Configuration Variables

Configuration Variables

Configuration variables can be specified in the docksal.env file or by running the fin config set command (e.g., fin config set --global PROJECT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT="0.5h"). All variables that are changed from their defaults below will require, at minimum, a project restart fin restart so that they can take effect. Additional steps may be required.


The location of the folder on the host machine to mount to VirtualBox. See file sharing for more information.


Default: docksal/ssh-agent:1.0

The Docker image to use for SSH Agent. This contains the keys that are shared among the projects.


Default: docksal/vhost-proxy:1.3

Docker image to use as the VHOST Proxy. This forwards all requests to the appropriate container based upon the hostname that is being requested.


Default: docksal/dns:1.0

Docker image to use for DNS Routing.


When set, this will allow for Docksal to no longer accept updates. This is usually good in combination with CI=true.


When set, suppresses alert about the outdated Docksal version.


Default: local

Allow for environment specific YML and ENV files. fin will load additional configuration from docksal-${DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT}.yml and docksal-${DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT}.env.

Default usage is creating docksal-local.yml and/or docksal-local.env for local overrides that are not intended to be committed.

In CI, you might set the value via export DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT=ci in your build script or globally for all projects on a build/sandbox server via fin config set --global DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT=ci. fin will then load docksal-ci.env and/or docksal-ci.yml (these you do commit) on top of the default configuration files.

Note: DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT should not be set and will not work in the project’s docksal.env file (this is by design).


Default: 0

Allow for collecting of statistical usage of docksal. When set to 1 this will no longer send statistics.


Default: 0

Designates whether to use Docker through VirtualBox or Native Docker. On Linux this is always set to 1. Otherwise it is set to 0.

For VirtualBox set to 0. For Docker Native set to 1.


Override the default DNS server that Docksal uses. For environments where access to Google DNS server ( is blocked, it should be set to the LAN DNS server. This is often true for VPN users or users behind a corporate firewall.


Used to set the IP address for the Docksal reverse proxy to listen on. When CI variable is set to true this will be set to


Default: docksal

This is the domain to use which is tacked on to the end of the projects url.


Allow disabling the DNS resolver configuration (in case there are issues with it). Set to true to activate.


Default: root

This variable is mandatory and specifies the password that will be set for the MySQL root superuser account.


This is an optional variable. Set to yes to allow the container to be started with a blank password for the root user. NOTE: Setting this variable to yes is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing, since this will leave your MySQL instance completely unprotected, allowing anyone to gain complete superuser access.


This is an optional variable. Set to yes to generate a random initial password for the root user (using pwgen). The generated root password will be printed to stdout (GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD: …..).


Default: true

When the variable is true (unless MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD is set or MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD is set to true), the root user’s password is set as expired and must be changed before MySQL can be used normally. This variable is only supported for MySQL 5.6 and later.


Skip Timezone Checking when initializing the the DB engine.


Default: default

This variable allows you to specify the name of a database to be created on image startup. If a user name and a password are supplied with MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD, the user is created and granted superuser access to this database (corresponding to GRANT ALL). The specified database is created by a CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXIST statement, so that the variable has no effect if the database already exists.


Default: user

This is used to create a user, and the user is granted superuser permissions for the database specified by the MYSQL_DATABASE variable. Both MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD are required for a user to be created; if any of the two variables is not set, the other is ignored.


Default: user

This is used to set the newly created user’s password.


Default: 3306

The port mapping to use for MySQL container, e.g., 33061:3306 will expose 3306 port as 33061 on the host.


Default: user

This variable allows you to specify the name of a database to be created on image startup.


Default: user

This is used to create a user, and the user is granted superuser permissions for the database specified by the POSTGRES_DB variable.


Default: user

This is used to set the newly created user’s password.


Default: 5432

The port to use when setting up PostgreSQL.


Username to use for basic authentication.


Password to use for basic authentication.


Overrides git inside cli. This is picked up from host’s git settings by default (docksal/cli v2.5+).


Overrides git inside cli. This is picked up from host’s git settings by default (docksal/cli v2.5+).


User ID for the Container User. On MacOS & Linux defaults to current user account id -u.

WARNING: do not override this variable unless you know what you are doing.


Group ID for the Container User. On MacOS & Linux defaults to current group account id -g.

WARNING: do not override this variable unless you know what you are doing.


Default: 0

Enables PHP XDebug Service for debugging. See XDebug.


Use to pass an additional private SSH key. The key is stored in /home/docker/.ssh/id_rsa inside cli and will be considered by the SSH client in addition to the keys loaded in docksal-ssh-agent when establishing a SSH connection from within cli.


Acquia Cloud API Email Address. See Acquia Drush Commands.


Acquia Cloud API Key. See Acquia Drush Commands.


Token used for logging in to Pantheon’s CLI Tool Terminus.

Image Variables

The following variables are used to set images to a specified version. Using them will prevent the images from being udpated when Docksal is updated.


Defaults to the current cli image with the default php version defined in ~/.docksal/stacks/services.yml. See usage


Defaults to the current db image with the default mysql version defined in ~/.docksal/stacks/services.yml. See usage


Defaults to the current web image with the default apache version defined in ~/.docksal/stacks/services.yml. See usage

CI Variables

The following variables are generally only used within a CI system. They are primarily used for giving Docksal the ability to turn off and conserve resources.


Defines the timeout of inactivity after which the project stack will be stopped (e.g., 0.5h).


Defines the timeout of inactivity after which the project stack and code base will be entirely wiped out from the host (e.g., 168h). This requires PROJECTS_ROOT to be set.

WARNING: use at your own risk!


Contains path to the project root directory.


Tells vhost-proxy service which cert to use for the project. Certs are expected in $HOME/.docksal/certs. Project’s VIRTUAL_HOST setting should match the certificate name.

For, the following cert files must be present on the host:


Also see Default and custom certs for HTTPS.


If set to true, the sandbox environment will not be removed event after the PROJECT_DANGLING_TIMEOUT timeout.